
DOE Storage Database Operational TES Projects

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TECHNOLOGY USE EXAMPLES DOE Global Energy Storage Database Operational TES Projects* TES systems are widely used for residential and commercial water heating and space heating and cooling; however, this brief focuses on power applications. Commercialized power applications of TES are largely isolated to CSP plants, though chilled water TES systems have been paired with fossil power plants. Molten Salt TES Often utilized by concentrated solar power (CSP) plants, molten salt is a popular medium choice for sensible TES systems due to its stability at high temperatures (~600°C). The molten salt is heated and stored in an insulated tank and can later be pumped through a heat exchanger unit to raise steam for a turbine. Chilled Water TES IChilled water TES, often used for commercial or residential cooling needs, can be utilized for turbine inlet air chilling (TIAC). TIAC helps to maintain or increase the power output of combustion turbines during periods of elevated ambient temperatures and TES allows power producers to shift the power required to run the TIAC system to off-peak times. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Project Count 11.5 0.1 Capacity by Technology Type (MW) 34 3 1 18 2042.2 149 233.4 209.2 Underground TES Phase Change Materials Molten Salt Other Sensible TES Chilled Water or Ice *Source: National Technology & Engineering Sciences of Sandia, LLC (NTESS):DOE GlobalEnergyStorageDatabase.Available: https://www.sandia.gov/ess-ssl/global- energy-storage-database/ Concrete TES In concrete TES, steam or hot exhaust gas is sent through encased piping to heat the surrounding concrete blocks. To discharge the stored thermal energy, feedwater is sent through the concrete blocks to raise steam for a steam cycle. A pilot project is underway to test a 10 MWe concrete TES system at an operational power plant. THERMAL Energy Storage DEFINITIONS: • Sensible Thermal Energy Storage (TES): sensible heat is stored and released by heating and cooling a storage medium • Latent TES: latent heat is stored via phase change materials [PCMs] • Thermochemical TES: chemical reactions store and release heat

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