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SYSTEM FOR REDUCING PUMP CAVITATION ( system-for-reducing-pump-cavitation )

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(12)United States Patent Hashimoto et al. (54) SYSTEM FOR REDUCING PUMP CAVITATION (75) Inventors: TomoyukiHashimoto,Kakuda(JP); Mitsuo Watanabe, Kakuda (JP); Takeshi Kanda, Kakuda (JP); Satoshi Hasegawa, Kakuda (JP); Kenji Kudo, Kakuda (JP); Athuo Murakami, Kakuda (JP); Kouichiro Tani, Kakuda (JP) (73) Assignee: NationalAerospaceLaboratoryof Japan, TOkYO (JP) (10)Patent N0.: US 6,834,493 B2 (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 28, 2004 6,584,784 B2 * 7/2003 Gaul .. 62/113 6,607,361 B1 * 8/2003 Kottereta1. . 417/53 2001/0015063 A1 * 8/2001 Maeding ..................... 60/258 OTHER PUBLICATIONS Arthur Palisoc, et al.,Solar Engineering— vol. 2.,ASME 1995,pp.855—864. Dean M. Lester et al.,American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics, Space 2000—5109 Conference and Exposition pp. 1—10. Paul A. GieroW, et al., Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, VOL32,NO_4,Ju1__Aug_1995,pp 697_7()2_ George P. Sutton, Elements the Engineering of Rockets, JohnWiley& Sons(1986),pp.151—157. Dieter K. HuZel et al.,The American Institute ofAeronautics and Astronautics, vol. 47, (1992) pp. 33—38 and pp. 160_162_ MitsuoWatanabe,etal.,Pump SystemforCavitationSup pression With a Cooler (Date Not Known). MichaelA.Dornheim AviationWeek& S aceTechnolo Man 30, 1998, pp‘ 76’_77_ p gy’ * Cited by examiner Primary Examiner—Ehud Gartenberg (74)Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Westerman, Hattori, Daniels & Adrian, LLP (57) ABSTRACT Cavitation is reduced in a rotary pump While the pump performance is maintained by utilizing a low-temperature ?uid source already present in the pump system. The ?uid from the loW-temperature ?uid source receives heat from the ?uid ?oWing to the pump, thereby loWering its temperature andthesaturatedvaporpressure,'WhichincreasesthealloW able margm for a decrease in ?uid pressure and reduces the occurrence of cavitation. The pump system may be used for a liquid rocket engine. The ?uid velocity of the ?uid directed to the pump is loW before releasing heat, so there is only a slight pressure loss at the pump. Accordingly, the tempera tureisloWeredandtheoccurrenceofcavitationisreduced Wlthm the pump‘ 8 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets (*) Notice? Subjecttoanydisclaimer>thetermofthis Pawnt is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (21) Appl.N0.:10/196,055 (22) Filed: Jul.17,2002 (65) Prior Publication Data Us 2003/0014965 A1 Jan' 23’ 2003 (30) ForeignApplicationPriorityData Jul. 19, 2001 (JP) ...................................... 2001-220020 (51) (52) (58) (56) Int. Cl? .. F02K 9/46 US. Cl. ..60/204; 60/259 Field of Search .. 60/257, 258, 259, 60/260, 205, 204 References Cited U'S' PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,597,923 A * 8/1971 3,601,993 A * 8/1971 3,756,024 A * 9/1973 37757977 A * 12/1973 2 i1?; 5:025:623 A * 6/1991 5,214,925 A * 6/1993 5,248,245 A * 9/1993 Simon .. 60/260 Bringer Gay --------------- Bu?clercta1~ ~~ 32:32}:2:2}‘ " Hirakoso eta1. Hoy et a1. ......... . 62/50.6 Behnke et a1. .. 417/366 3 Reservoirtank .. 60/240 ------ 60/204 60/260 60/257 2 Heatexchanger 5 Rocketengine combustion chamber US006834493B2



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