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PREPARATION OF LIGHT STABLE HOP PRODUCTS ( preparation-light-stable-hop-products )

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(12)United States Patent Ting et al. (54) PREPARATION OF LIGHT STABLE HOP PRODUCTS (75) Inventors: PatrickL.Ting,Brook?eld,WI (US); HenryGoldstein,Tucson,AZ (US);Aki (10)PatentN0.2 US 7,413,758B2 (73) Assignee: (*) Notice: 5,917,093 A 5,972,411 A 6,020,019 A 6/1999 Tingetal. 10/1999 Goldsteinetal. (21) Appl.No.:10/328,055 (22) Filed: Dec_23 2002 ’ Jackson, Michael. Beer Hunter. Be On Your Guard for Fine French Beers.Feb.1,1992.http://WWW.beerhunter.com/documents/19133 000128.htm1.* PCTSearchReportforPCT/US03/08637,dateunknown. PCTSearchReportforPCT?JS03/08637. . . * cited by exammer Primary ExamineriArthur L Corbin (74)A110""6%Agent)0"F17’m4Quar1e5&Brady,LLP (57) ABSTRACT Disclosed are methods for the production of light stable hop products, useful for the brewing of beer or ale to be stored in Clear or green glass Containers, which beer or ale Will not develop Objectionable ?avor as a result of exposure to light' Light stable hop products are prepared by double extraction ofliquid/supercriticalCO2 extractedhop solidsWithethanol to remove al ha/iso-al ha-acids. Such al ha/iso-al ha-acids PP PP may be further removed from the ethanol extraction ?ltrate obtained in the double extraction process by subjecting such ?ltratetoan ionexchange medium, orprecipitationby ametal ion,heavymetalion,oralkalimetalion,orhydrogenationto provide an alpha/iso-alpha-acids free ?ltrate Which may be added to the light stable double extracted hop solid residues obtained in the initial double extraction process. 24Claims,N0Drawings (65) (63) A Murakami Mequon WI '_ ’ ’ ’_ MichaelVanSanford,Wales,WI (US), JayR-Re?lng,Green?e1d,W1(Us); John R- Seabrooks, R1Ch?e1d,WI (US); DavidS.Ryder,Mequon,WI(US) MillerCoors LLC, Wilmington, DE (Us) Subject'toanydisclaimer,thetermofthis patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 840 days. This patent is subject to a terminal dis- Clailner~ 3/1994 Steginketal. 6/1996 Ting et al. @1998 Tinget31‘ 7/1998 Ting6161. 9/1998 Suh etal. ..426/69 - Pmr PubhcatlonData US 2003/0185934A1 Oct.2,2003 Related U-s- Application Data Continuation-in-partofapplicationNo.10/106,603, ?led on Mar. 26, 2002, noW Pat. No. 7,258,887. (51) /00 (200601) '__ (52) (58) (56) US. Cl. ..... 426/600, 426/429, 426/489 FieldofClassi?cationSearch .. 426/429, _ _ 426/431’478’489’600 Seeapphcanon?leforCompleteSearchhlstory' - References Cited U.S.PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,952,061 A 4,002,683 A 4,490,405 A * 12/1984 von Horst et a1. .......... 426/600 4,666,731 A * 5/1987 Todd, Jr. .................... 426/600 4,765,993 A 4,767,640 A 4,778,691 A 8/1988 Owades 8/1988 Goldsteinetal. 10/1988 Todd,Jr. 4/1976 Kollereta1. 1/1977 Todd,Jr. - - DE DE SU W0 635624 10139479 A1 1601112 A1 WO97/46116A1 12/1997 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (45) Date of Patent: *Aug. 19, 2008 4,844,939 A 4,956,195 A 5,013,571 A 7/1989 Todd,Jr. 9/1990 Todd, Jr.etal. 5/1991 Hay US007413758B2 5,013,572 A 5’073’396 A 5,296,637 A 5,523,489 A 5,767,319 A 5,783,235 A 5,804,234 A * 5,874,633 A * 2/1999 Tingetal...568/347 5/1991 Hay 12/1991 Tod."Jr‘ 2/2000 Tingetal. 2003/0185933 A1* 10/2003 Tingetal. ....................426/11 FOREIGNPATENTDOCUMENTS 4/1937 2/2003 10/1990



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