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METHOD OF CAPTURING CARBON DIOXIDE FROM GAS STREAMS ( method-capturing-carbon-dioxide-from-gas-streams )

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(12)Ulllted States Patent Tontiwachwuthikul et al. (54) METHOD OF CAPTURING CARBON DIOXIDE FROM GAS STREAMS (10)PatentN0.: US 7,910,078B2 (75) Inventory Pait‘m" TOn?WachWuthikul, Regina (CA);AndrewG-H;Wee’Regina(CA); Raphael IdFm’ RegPla (CA3 _ (52) us. Cl. .. 423/228 423/230- 423/238- 544/170 546/184;546/248;564/503 (58) FieldofClassi?cationSearch ..410/210, KreaflgkralManeFmtnRegma(CA), Gao-JunFan,Regma(CA); ( ) AmornvadeeVeaWab,ReginaCA; -- -’ Amr Henni’Regina(CA);Adisorn AroonWilas,Regina(CA);Amit Chakma, Waterloo (CA) Seeappl1cat1on?leforcompletesearchh1story. ReferencesCited U.S.PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,347,621A 10/1967Papadopouloset31. * 5/1993 .Peytavy6t?1~ ~~423/228 (Contmued) OTHER PUBLICATIONS US. Appl. NO. 60/823,313, ?ledAug. 23, 2006, Tontiwachwuthikul eta1~ (Commued) PrimaryExaminer* JerryLorengo AssistantExamineri JenniferA Smith (74)Attorney, Agent, or Firm* GoWling La?eur Henderson LLP 73 A _ 'U _ _ fR _ R _ ( ) sslgnee' Smljetrs?ty0 Ceima’ egma’ asaCeWan( ) _____ (*) Not1ce: Subjecttoanyd1scla1mer,thetermofthis patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U_S_C_ 154(1)) by 88 days_ (21) APPLNO‘,11/843,958 (22) Filed: Aug.23,2007 7/1978 SaI‘tOrleta1. 9/1978 SaI‘tOrl et a1. 9/1978 sartoriera1, 9/1978 Sartorieta1. 2/1983 Cornelisse (65) (60) (51) Pm" PublicatiO“Data US 2008/0050296A1 Feb.28,2008 Related US. Application Data Provisional application No. 60/823,313, ?led on Aug. 23, 2006, provisional application No. 60/893,926, ?ledonMar.9,2007. Int.Cl. B01D 53/14 B01D 53/56 B01D 53/04 B01D 53/58 C013 17/16 C01B 31/20 C01C 3/00 C07C 215/00 C0 7D 265/32 C0 7D 295/08 C07D 295/10 CO2 FlowI meter h 1m m: (56) (2006.01) (57) ABSTRACT (200601) (2006.01) 2006 01 (') (200601) (200601) (200601) (200601) (200601) (2006.01) (2006.01) dry(:02+N, The present invention relates to a method for removing car . . . bond1ox1de(CO2)fromagasstream.Partlcularly,thepresent inventionrelatestoamethodforremovingCO2 fromagas stream by a liquid absorbent having an amino alcohol derived from 4-amino-2-butanol. In comparison to conventional amines,theaminoalcoholsofthepresentinventionhavebeen found to provide a higher CO2 absorption capacity and a highercycliccapacityforCO2 removal. Flow nleter v 0 water Saturationcell Ventto Fume hood El Reactor Water Bath i>


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