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HEAT ENGINE AND HEAT TO ELECTRICITY SYSTEMS AND METHODS ( heat-engine-and-heat-to-electricity-systems-and-methods )

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(12)Unlted States Patent Held et a]. (54) HEATENGINEANDHEATTOELECTRICITY SYSTEMSANDMETHODSWITHWORKING FLUID FILL SYSTEM (75) Inventors:TimothyJ.Held,Akron,OH(US); JasonD,Miller,Hudson,OH (Us) ' . Asslgnee' Echogen Power systems’ Inc" Akron’ (10)PatentN0.2 US 8,281,593B2 (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 9, 2012 (*) Notice: OH (Us) Subjecttoanydisclaimer,thetermofthis patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U'S'C' 154(1)) by 74 days‘ 7,013,205 B1 7,313,926 B2 7,900,450 B2 2004/0211182 A1 3/2006 1/2008 3/2011 (21) APP1-NO-I 12/880,428 (22) Filed: Sep.13,2010 2005/0162018 2006/0066113 2006/0211871 2006/0254281 2007/0001766 2007/0130952 2008/0066470 2008/0211230 2008/0250789 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 10/2004 Gould 7/2005 Realmuto eta1. 3/2006 Ebrahimeta1. 9/2006 Dai et a1. 11/2006 Badeereta1. 1/2007 Ripleyeta1. 6/2007 Copen _ 3/2008 MacKnlght 9/2008 Gurin 10/2008 Myers eta1. 4/2009 Moghtaderi et a1. 10/2009 Westmeiereta1. 4/2010 Gunn (65) Prior Publication Data US 2011/0061384A1 Mar. 17,2011 -- Related U's‘Apphcatlon Data (63) Continuation-in-partofapplicationNo. 12/631,379, ?led on Dec. 4, 2009, noW Pat. No. 8,096,128. (60) ProvisionalapplicationNo.61/243,200,?ledonSep. 17’2009' (58) FieldofClassi?cationSearch 60/659 """"""""60 663’ circuitWhichhasahighpressuresideandaloWpressureside. (51) Int-Cl' F01K1/00 PrimaryExamineri HoangNguyen (74)Attorney,Agent,orFirm* Edmonds&Nolte,PC 57 ABSTRACT ( ) AWasteheat@CQVeYYSystemand??le/‘19dforopefating? (2006.01) (52) us.Cl...60/659;60/660;60/663 (56) Seeapplication?leforCompleteSearchhistory ’ ' References Cited U.S.PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,982,379 A * 9/1976 G'll' t l. ....................... 60/659 3,998,058A 12/1976 Fairliea 4,164,848 A * 8/1979 Gilli et a1. ...................... 60/652 The system comprises a Waste heat exchanger, a Waste heat source, an expander, a recuperator, a cooler, a pump, and a mass management system connected to the Working ?uid circuit. The mass management system comprises a Working ?uidvesselconnectedtotheloWpressuresideoftheWorking ?uid circuit and con?gured to passively control an amount of , , , , , , , Workmg?u1dmass1ntheWorkmg?u1dc1rcu1t. 31Claims,21DrawingSheets 4,182,960A 1/1980 Reuyl 2*1; 5,000,003A * 3/l99l 5,392,606 A 2/1995 6,282,900 B1 9/2001 561 60/659 n ou ............................. Wicks“““““““““““““““60/6l8 Labinoveta1. Bell ,, 2010/0077792 A1 * cited by examiner US008281593B2 6,374,630B1 4/2002Jones 6,484,490 B1* 11/2002 6,571,548 B1* 6/2003 6,751,959 B1 6/2004 6,817,185 B2 >1< ll/2004 Olseneta1. 60/39.281 Bronicki eta1. .. 60/772 McClanahaneta1. Coney eta1‘ ““““““““““ 60/772 Hafnereta1. Gurin Gurin HKfamef l anna et a . 2009/0107144 2009/0266075 A1 thermodynamlccycleus1ngaWorking?uid1naWorkmg?u1d 51\ 1‘P I 7 ><1~—— 1 1‘ V-2 1 ‘ / g—P\-Z ,‘P-1 . 1 v.1 PurgeValve!-»D Fw ‘ 52 P1i 14% FVL \o 1 1 1 ‘\__55 | ‘1! | \D_ew_a_r__/ (:02 Pump ‘ \\ g) MassControlTank _! ,__~ I| 1 i !



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