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GEOTHERMAL ENERGY PRODUCTION WITH SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS ( geothermal-energy-production-with-supercritical-fluids )

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(12)United States Patent Brown (54) GEOTHERMAL ENERGY PRODUCTION WITH SUPERCRITICALFLUIDS (75) Inventor: DonaldW.Brown,LosAlamos,NM (US) (73) Assignee: TheRegentsoftheUniversityof California,LosAlamos,NM (US) * Notice: Sub'ecttoan disclaimer,thetermofthis JY patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. (21) Appl.No.:09/393,397 (2) Filed: Sep.10,1999 (51) Im.c1?..F03G7/00 (52) US.Cl...60/641.2;60/641.4 (58) FieldofSearch ..60/641.2,641.4; 165/45 US 6,668,554B1 References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 3,640,336 A * 2/1972 Dixon .......................... 165/1 3,786,858 A 1/1974 Potter et al. . ..... 165/1 4,060,988 A 12/1977 Arnold ........................ 60/641 (List continued on next page.) OTHER PUBLICATIONS BroWn, D., “The US Hot Dry Rock Program—20 Years of ExperienceinReservoirTesting,”ProceedingsoftheWorld Geothermal Congress 1995, vol. 4, Florence, Italy, May 18—31, 1995. BroWn, D. W. “Summary of Recent FloW Testing of the FentonHillHDR Reservoir,”LosAlamosNationalLabo ratory publication LA—UR—94—2856, submitted to Stanford GeothermalReservoirEngineeringWorkshop,(1994). BroWn, D. W., “HoW to Achieve a Four—Fold Productivity Increase at Fenton Hill,” Geothermal Resources Council Transactions, vol. 18, pp. 405—408, (Oct. 1984). (10)Patent N0.: (45)Date ofPatent: Dec.30,2003 BroWn,D.W.,“AHotDryRockGeothermalEnergyCon ceptUtilizingSupercriticalCO2 InsteadofWaterasthe Work Fluids,” Abstract, pp. 1—10, submitted Jan. 3, 1999 to WorldGeothermalCongress2000tobeheldMay29,1999 to Jun. 10, 2000 at Kyushu and Tohoku, Japan. BroWn, D., DuTeaux, R., “Three Principal Results from Recent Fenton Hill FloW Testing,” Proceedings, TWenty— First Workshop on Geothermal Resevoir Engineering, Stan ford University, Stanford, CA, pp. 185—190, (Jan. 27—29, 1997. BroWn,D.DuTeaux,R.Kruger,P.,SWenson,D.Yamaguchi, T. “Fluid Circulation and Heat Extraction from Engineered GeothermalReservoirs,”Geothermics00,pp.1—20,(1999). DuTeaux,R.,BroWn,D.,“HDR ReservoirFloWImpedance andPotentialsforImpedanceReduction,”Proceeding,Eigh teenth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, StanfordUniversity,Stanford,CA,pp.193—197,Jan.26—28, 1993. Saito, S., Sakuma, S. Uchida, T. “Drilling Procedures Tech niquesandTestResultsFora3.7km Deep,500°CExplo ration Well, Kakkonda, Japan,” Geothermics vol. 27, pp. 573—590,(1998). Shyu, G., Hanif, N., Hall, K., Eubank, P., “Carbon Diox ide—Water Phase Equilibria Results from the Wong—Sandler Combining Rules,” Fluid Phase Equilibria 130, pp. 73—85, (197). (Listcontinuedonnextpage.) PrimaryExaminer—HoangNguyen (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Gemma Morrison Bennett (57) ABSTRACT There has been invented a method for producing geothermal energy using supercritical ?uids for creation of the under ground reservoir, production of the geothermal energy, and for heat transport. Underground reservoirs are created by pumping a supercritical ?uid such as carbon dioxide into a formation to fracture the rock. Once the reservoir is formed, the same supercritical ?uid is alloWed to heat up and expand, thenispumped outofthereservoirtotransfertheheattoa surface poWer generating plant or other application. 29 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets (56) US006668554B1



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