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ELECTROHYDRAULIC AND SHEAR CAVITATION RADIAL COUNTERFLOW LIQUIDPROCESSOR ( electrohydraulic-and-shear-cavitation-radial-counterflow-liq )

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(12)United States Patent McCutchen eta1. (10) Patent N0.: US 8,268,136 B2 (54) (75) (56) ReferencesCited (65) Prior Publication Data US 2009/0159461A1 Jun.25,2009 Related US. Application Data Chen, J. et al., “Fractal-like tree networks increasing the permeabil ity,” Physical Review E 75, 056301 (2007), pp. 1-8. (Continued) PrimaryExaminer* JonathanJohnson AssistantExaminer* BrianW Cohen (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm * Marger Johnson & McCollom, P.C. *Sep.18,2012 ELECTROHYDRAULIC AND SHEAR CAVITATION RADIAL COUNTERFLOW LIQUIDPROCESSOR U.S.PATENTDOCUMENTS Inventors: WilmotH.McCutchen,Orinda,CA (US); David J. McCutchen, Portland, Subjecttoanydisclaimer,thetermofthis patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 1032 days. This patent is subject to a terminal dis claimer. (21) Appl.N0.: 12/234,541 (22) Filed: Sep.19,2008 406,968 A 3,366,564 A 3,464,672 A 3,465,187 A 3,915,673 A 3,944,865 A 3,990,631 A 4,044,943 A 4,076,617 A 4,125,439 A 7/1889 Tesla 1/1968 Allen 9/1969 Massa 9/1969 Breaux 10/1975 Tamaietal. 3/1976 JeWitt 11/1976 Schall 8/1977 Browneta1. 2/1978 Bybeletal. 11/1978 Fleischmanneta1. (Continued) OTHER PUBLICATIONS OR (US) Assignee: McCutchen,Co.,Portland,OR (US) (73) (*) Notice: (63) Continuation-in-partofapplicationNo. 12/004,308, ?led on Dec. 20, 2007, noW Pat. No. 7,757,866, and a continuation-in-partofapplicationNo. 12/167,771, ?led on Jul. 3, 2008. (60) ProvisionalapplicationNo.61/034,242,?ledonMar. 6,2008. (57) ABSTRACT (51) Int.Cl. C25D 17/00 C25D 17/10 B04B 5/10 C02F 1/461 B01D 19/00 C02F 1/00 C02F 1/48 (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) (2006.01) Axially fed ?uid is sheared during long residence time in a radial Workspace betWeen counter-rotating coaxial disk shapedcentrifugalimpellers.Gasesevolveinthefractaltur bulence of a shear layer, Which is forced betWeen laminar boundarylayers,andanaxialsuctionpump axiallyextracts evolved noncondensables and volatiles through cores of radial vortices in the shear layer. Cavitation due to shear betWeentheimpellerskillspathogensbyshockWaves,micro jets,OH radicals,andnearbyUV lightpulses.Oppositely charged electrodes bounding the Workspace cause elec troporesis and electrohydraulic cavitation. The electrodes are counter-rotatingridgedarmaturesofdiskdynamos,forminga dynamic capacitor having audio frequency pulsed electric ?elds. Electrode erosion by arcing is prevented by shear betWeen the electrodes. 17 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets a l gasout 14: I I I (52) US. Cl. .. 204/212; 204/218; 204/669; 205/751; 205/742;210/512.3;210/748.01 (58) Field ofClassi?cation Search .......................None See application ?le for complete search history. I "as I radialcounlcr?owofwaterandevolvedgases : bl , 7 I gasthron coreof5 I : rad: vonex feud I '1 2a (45)Date ofPatent: US008268136B2



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