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CHEMICAL RECYCLING OF CO2 TO METHANOEDIMETHYL ETHER ( chemical-recycling-co2-to-methanoedimethyl-ether )

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(12)Unlted States Patent Olah et a]. (54) EFFICIENTAND SELECTIVE CHEMICAL RECYCLING OF CARBON DIOXIDE T0 METHANOEDIMETHYL ETHERAND DERIVED PRODUCTS (10)PatentN0.2 US 8,212,088B2 (45) Date of Patent: *Jul. 3, 2012 .~ (75) Inventors‘ (I;?§r_géAI'(0slah’Bi)Verl1{y 10/1986 Gesser eta1. 11/1987 Spencer .. 8/1988 Reichl ......... 1/1990 Dillon etal. ....... 9/1994 Cockman eta1. . 4/1996 Coffman .. 568/9105 502/255 ....... 44/51 ..... 44/387 568/896 (22) F1led: (65) Aug.7,2009 Prior Publication Data 10/2007 Cheng et a1. 5/2008 Pearson . 5/2008 Olaheta1. . 12/2008 Olaheta1. 10/2006 Olaheta1. 10/2006 Olaheta1. 11/2007 Olaheta1. . 435/67 518/706 568/885 568/885 518/702 518/726 518/726 C.Ad ( _)’ - - “Ya Ya as ’ amen a 518/703 11/1996 P?ngstletal. 422/166 2/1997 Surampudietal. 429/33 2/1997 Smith ....................562/17 Heights,CA (US) (73) Assignee: UniversityofSouthernCalifornia,Los An eles CA (Us) gr _____ (*) Notice: SUbJeCItoanydrsclarmer,thetermofthls patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U_S_C_ 154(1)) by 510 days_ This patent is subject to a terminal dis- C1aimer_ (21) APPl-No‘ 12/537,647 _ 5/1998 Bhateta1~ 7/1999 Olaheta1. . 4/2000 Bill etal. 1/2001 Viteri et a1. . 5/2001 Vidalin .. ~ 252/373 ..429/13 . 422/186 04 ......... 60/671 US 2009/0293348A1 Dec.3,2009 Related U_s_ Application Data (63) ContinuationofapplicationNo.11/766,408,?ledon Jun. 21, 2007, noW Pat. No. 7,608,743, Which is a c?olnetdinounaAtiporn.-i1n2-,p2a0rt06,ofnaopWplPiacta.tNion.N7,o6.051,12/9430.2,050, (60) ProvisionalapplicationNo.60/671,651,?ledonApr. 15, 2005, provisional application No. 60/763,678, ?led on Jan 30’ 2006 2/2008 Olaheta1. ..518/702 (51) IntCL C07C 29/51 C07C 29/15 C07C29/132 (52) US.Cl. ..568/884,568/885 (58) FieldofClassi?cationSearch ..568/884, Ashby et al., “Concerning the Formation of Hydrogen in Nuclear Waste. Quantitative Generation of Hydrogen via a CanniZZaro Inter mediate,” J.Am. Chem. Soc. 115: 1171-1173 (1993). International Search Report, application No. PCT/US2006/013742, datedAug' 14’2006' PrimaryExaminer* ElvisO Price (74)Attorney]Agent)orFirmi Winston& StrawnLLP See apphcanon ?le for Complete Search hlstory' . 56 RfCt01 An e?icientandenvironmentallybene?cialmethodofrecy lin and roducin methanolfromvariedsourcesofcarbon CgPg dioxide including ?ue gases of fossil fuel burning poWer plants,industrialexhaustgasesortheatmosphereitself.Con zemngcarboéldioxlsebytcilemlczlorelectro?h?mlcaltfdui' l'onseconary reamen 0prouceessenlayme ano, dlmethyl ether and denved Products 20 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets ( ) eerences le Us PATENTDOCUMENTS 2,787,631 A A 3,482,952 A 3,711,258 A 4,364,915 A 4/1957 Stevens ..558/277 (200601) (2006.01) (200601) Rabo eta1‘ 12/1969 Siegeta1. ‘ ..44/449 .. 585/733 1/1973 Adams etal. 12/1982 Proctor .. 423/437.1 , , i 4,618,732 A 4,705,771 A 4,762,528 A 4,891,049 A 5,349,096 A 5,510,393 A 5,571,483 A 5,599,638 A 5,606,107 A 5,753,143 A 5,928,806 A 6,045,761 A 6,170,264 B1 6,232,352 B1 6,375,832 B1 6,376,254 B1 6,531,630 B2 6,690,180 B2 6,740,434 B2 6,782,947 B2 6,881,759 B2 7,081,547 B2 7,288,387 B2 7,375,142 B2 7,378,561 B2 7,459,590 B2 2006/0235088 A1 2006/0235091 A1 2007/0254969 A1 2008/0039538 A1 gcpreangcger.. EP RU FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 1 180 511 A1 2/2002 200i2104990 C:l1 2/l998 OTHERPUBLICATIONS 568/885 (57) ABSTRACT US008212088B2 518/700 4/2002 Eliassoneta1. 208/141 4/2002 Bathereta1. 436/140 3/2003 Vidalin ............. 2/2004 Schwartzeta1. . 5/2004 Surampudietal. 8/2004 deRouf?gnaceta1. .166/245 4/2005 Nielsen et a1. .. 518/705 7/2006 Fujimotoeta1. 560/232 562/519 324/670 429/15



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