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CAVITATION PHASE SEPARATORS FOR STEAM BASED ( cavitation-phase-separators-for-steam-based )

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(12)Ulllted States Patent Kelly (54) CAVITATIONPHASESEPARATORSFOR STEANLBASED GENERATING SYSTEMS . . . (75) Inventor: PatrlckJ-Kelly,Palm/13W,TX (Us) (73) Assignee: CanyonWestEnergy,LLC,Canyon, TX (Us) (*) Notice: Subjecttoanydisclaimer,thetermofthis $2318115522313330?digsustedunder35 (21) Appl'No’:12633549 (22) Filed: Dec12,2008 (10)PatentN0.: US 8,382,886B2 (45) Date of Patent: Feb. 26, 2013 6,210,470B1* 4/2001 Philipsetal...96/175 6,576,042 B2* 6/2003 Krausetal...95/30 7,165,615 B2 1/2007 Vinegaretal. 7,178,337 B2 2/2007 P?anZ ......................... 60/6412 2003/0221561 A1* 12/2003 Milo “““““““““““““““"96/175 (65) (60) PriorPublicationData US 2010/0043640A1 Feb.25,2010 RelatedUS,ApplicationData Provisional application No. 61/090,092, ?led on Aug. 19’2008- WhitePaperpublishedbyCogenerationTechnologies;“Combined CyclePowerPlants”;5p.;Copyright1999;www.cogenerationnet/ CombinediCycleiPoWeriPlantshtm. (Continued) _ _ PrimaryExaminer* RichardLChiesa (74)Attorney,Agent,orFirm* WhitakerChalkSWindle& S h art PLLC'St h S.M h C W Z ’ ep en OS er (57) ABSTRACT A system,apparatusandmethodforgeneratingelectricity fromrenewablegeothermal,Wind,andsolarenergysources includesaheatbalanced“SupplementingandregulatingFhe heatenergyfedtoamrbme generator;ahydrogen'?redholler forsupplyingsupplementaryheat;andaninjectionmanifold formeteringcontrolledamountsofsuperheatedcombustible gas into the Working ?uids to optimize e?iciency. Moreover, Wind or solar poWer may be converted to hydrogen in an electrolysisunittoproducehydrogen.A phaseseparatorunit that operates by cavitation of the geothermal ?uids removes gasesfromthesource?uid.A pollutionpreventiontrapmay be used to remove solids and other unneeded constituents of the geothermal ?uids to be stored or processed in a solution mining unit for reuse or sale. Spent geothermal and Working ?uids may be processed and injected into the geothermal strata to aid in maintaining its temperature or in solution miningofelementsinthelithosphere. 10 Claims, 13 Drawing Sheets (51) Int_CL B01D 19/00 (200601) (52) us.Cl. ..96/175;95/29;95/30;96/389 (58) FieldofClassi?cationSearch ..96/175 96689, 95/29 30, 55/400, 261/81 DIG 48’ (56) Seeaplicatioli?lefor’col’npletese’archhist’ory ' ' References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2,376,221 3,218,782 3,266,631 3,822,740 A 4,070,167 A 4,339,247 A 5,661,977 A 5,941,238 A 6,100,600 A 6,187,079 B1 * 5/1945 * 11/1965 * 8/1966 7/1974 * 1/1978 * 7/1982 9/1997 8/1999 8/2000 2/2001 Baker .............................. 95/30 Litsiosetal. 96/157 Snaper . 210/542 Hackett 165/45 A A A Barbeeetal. Faulkneretal Shnell Tracy 96/175 .95/30 . 60/641.2 . 126/641 290/54 Bridger .. 96/179 P?anZ 2004/0020642 A1 GB W0 2/2004 Vine aretal. - g (Contmued) FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS 2191420 A * l2/l987 9560 WO2006/029112 3/2006 """""""""""" OTHER PUBLICATIONS US008382886B2


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