
Medical Application of 3D Graphene

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Medical Application of 3D Graphene ( medical-application-3d-graphene )

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P-ISSN: 2808-5957 E-ISSN: 2808-6724 ijoms.internationaljournallabs.com SYNTHESIS AND MEDICAL APPLICATION OF 3D GRAPHENE MATERIALS Terver John Sase1,2*, Karniliyus Emmanuel Daring1, Yilni Edward Bioltif1 1*Department of Chemistry, Plateau State University, Bokkos, P.M.B. 2012 Plateau State, Nigeria. 2University of Coimbra, Coimbra Chemistry Centre, Department of Chemistry, 3004-535 Coimbra, Portugal * terversase@gmail.com ARTICLE INFO Published: February 25th, 2023 Keywords: graphene, carbon nanomaterials, carbon nanotubes, synthesis methods, medical applications INTRODUCTION ABSTRACT 3D graphene materials are carbon nanomaterials that are gaining significant attention recently due to their unique properties. They are incredibly strong, have unique electrical, thermal optical and chemical properties that make them stand out and are the preferred materials of choice in the material sciences. These unique materials have gained significant attention since 2004 and have now been used for various applications including medical uses. In this review, we explored some recent advances in the research of these unique materials, their synthesis methods and their several medical applications. Several synthesis techniques are being developed to be able to improve the synthesis of this material within a short or less time maintaining the structure and its unique properties. These unique properties that this special material possesses have been harnessed and utilized for application in so many areas such as agriculture, energy, water purification including biomedical applications as discussed. This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 Carbon is one of the basic elements in the world and it is indispensable for the mass circle in nature as well as the development of our technology, including the understanding of sp2-hybridized carbon nanomaterials that has just been enriched in the last 35 years (Sun et al., 2020). Elemental carbon is found in nature as two crystalline allotropic forms namely, Graphite and Dimond. More recently a third crystalline form of the elemental carbon, the fullerene structure has been discovered. The properties of elemental carbon crystal forms vary significantly based on their structures (More et al., 2013). Figure 1. The Allotropic Crystalline Forms of Carbon A diamond with its tetrahedral sp3 covalent bonding is one of the hardest known materials. In its crystal structure, covalent bonds of length 1.54 Å connects each of the carbon atoms with its nearest neighbours, forming a tetrahedral symmetry that repeats in three dimensions throughout 2521

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